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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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ACD(Asia Cooperation Dialogue)

  • ROK-ACD Relations

    Asia Cooperation Dialogue(ACD) is a pan-Asian cooperation framework founded in 2002 with 18 countries. The ACD is guided by the core value of positive thinking, informality, voluntarism, non-institutionalization, openness for diversity, and the comfort level of member countries. It aims to consolidate Asian strengths and fortify Asia's competitiveness by maximizing the diversity and rich resources in Asia. The forum constitutes the missing link in Asian cooperation via attempts to incorporate every Asian country, hence building an Asian Community that is neither duplicating other organizations nor creating bloc against others.

    ROK-ACD Relations
    Region Member Countries
    Northeast Asia (4) ROK, China, Japan, Mongolia
    Southeast Asia (7) Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
    Southwest Asia (10) Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Afghanistan, Nepal
    Central Asia (5) Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
    Middle East (8) Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey

    Composition : Since its inception, ACD has developed into two dimensions, namely, dialogue and projects.

    • Dialogue Dimension : ACD Foreign Ministers meet to discuss ACD developments issues of regional cooperation and ways to enhance and solidify Asia unity.
    • Project Dimension : Many countries have proposed to be prime moves in 20 areas of cooperation.

    ※ ROK's role : Designated as the prime mover for IT cooperation, ROK has developed and carried out diverse IT cooperation projects designed to bridge the digital divide among ACD members.

    • 1st ACD Ministerial Meeting: June 18~19 2002, Cha-am, Thailand
    • 2nd ACD Ministerial Meeting: June 21~22 2003, Chiang Mai, Thailand
    • 3rd ACD Ministerial Meeting: June 21~22 2004, Qingdao, China
    • 4th ACD Ministerial Meeting: April 4~6 2005, Islamabad, Pakistan
    • 5th ACD Ministerial Meeting: May 23~24 2006, Doha, Qatar
    • 6th ACD Ministerial Meeting: June 5~6 2007, Seoul, Korea
    • 7th ACD Ministerial Meeting: October 16 2008, Astana, Kazakhstan
    • 8th ACD Ministerial Meeting: October 15 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • 9th ACD Ministerial Meeting: November 8~9 2010, Tehran Iran
    • 10th ACD Ministerial Meeting: October 10~11, 2011, Kuwait, Kuwait
    • 1st ACD Summit : October 16~17, 2012, Kuwait, Kuwait
    • 11th ACD Ministerial Meeting: March 28~29, 2013, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
    • 12th ACD Ministerial Meeting: November 24~25, 2013, Manama, Bahrain
    • 13th ACD Ministerial Meeting : September 22, 2014, New York, USA
    • 14th ACD Ministerial Meeting : March 10, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
    • 2nd ACD Summit : October 10, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
    • 15th ACD Ministerial Meeting : January 16~17, 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
    • 16th ACD Ministerial Meeting : May 1, 2019, Doha, Qatar