As one of the most active participants in the international trade, the Republic of Korea has been deeply involved with the activities of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since its establishment in 1995. In particular, the WTO team in our permanent mission is actively participating for maximizing and protecting our trade interests with regard to trade negotiations, dispute settlement, and the implementation and monitoring of the existing WTO rules, which are the three key pillars of the Organization.
If you would like to know more about the WTO, please follow the link below.
If you would like to know more about our WTO team’s activities, please see the notice board below.
The Republic of Korea has always acknowledged the importance of technological innovation and global standardization of key technologies. That is why the Government and the WIPO/ITU team in our Mission has actively participated in the activities in the two organizations and has led the relevant discussions.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a global forum for Intellectual Property service and policy, created in 1970 and became a specialized agency of UN in 1974. WIPO currently has 189 member states.
WIPO administers 26 treaties including Paris Convention, Berne Convention
In addition, WIPO has made every effort to develop global standards for design Law Treaty, protection of genetic resources and protection of rights of broadcasting organizations. The Republic of Korea joined the WIPO in 1979 and has been a leading player of the global IP system.
The International telecommunication Union (ITU), formed in 1865, is specialized agency of UN in the area of communications technology. The ITU develops and harmonizes the technical standards of 193 member states and provides developing countries with technical assistance. In particular, the Republic of Korea has been playing a key role in leading the 5G technology and global standards.
As a responsible member of the international community, the Republic of Korea has been doing its utmost efforts with regard to many global issues, including environment protection, climate change and development.
Our mission is participating in a number of International environmental organizations based in Geneva, including UN Environment Europe Office, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Basel Rotterdam Stockholm Convention Secretariat.
Also, the Government of the Republic of Korea has been closely working with other economic and development organizations and institutions, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), notably through the participation of high-level officials in its Annual Meetings, also called Davos Forum, and the UNCTAD.